MP 2/3 Overview

Milepost 2 and 3 cover Years 3 - 5 and is made up of the same core and foundation subjects found in Key Stage 1.  In addition, French is introduced in Year 2.

Years 3 & 4 – ‘Milepost 2’   Much of the work in these year groups is ‘cross curricular’, which means that one theme is covered by several subjects. Topics are structured to allow children the freedom to explore new subjects in a stimulating way, encouraging a natural enthusiasm for more independent learning.

Year 5  – ‘Milepost 3’   In the upper part of the School, a greater degree of autonomy and independence is expected of the children. They are gently encouraged to accept new levels of responsibility and demonstrate leadership skills. Such changes become evident in work habits and organisation, behaviour and self discipline and relationships with other students and with staff.

Both MP2 and MP3 continue to use the IPC (International Primary Curriculum)

During the latter part of Year 5, they are prepared for the subject-oriented approach of the Middle Years with a series of Transition activities. 

Primary (KS1 KS2)